Chiropractic and Pregnancy
As with all things chiropractic, a nervous system that isn’t functioning at its peak can cause multiple issues relating to fertility. With appropriate alignment of the spine, the nervous system can return to its natural function and give your body a better chance at fertility.
Pre-conception care can create a healthy body with greater uterine function and regular menstruation. By ensuring the body is best prepared to receive a baby, it can increase the chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy to follow.
After conception, consistent chiropractic care during the course of your pregnancy can increase the mother’s balance, alignment, and flexibility, which can make carrying the baby easier and more pleasant. Also, the preventative care to keep the spine well aligned can keep the nervous system function at its best and can alleviate many of the secondary symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, aches, pains, and swelling.
During labor and delivery, mothers who have received consistent chiropractic care have said the birth was much less traumatic, experiencing well-timed contractions with a far easier and shorter delivery.
Post-natal chiropractic care can help to correct pelvic distortion caused during childbirth, helping a mother’s energy return quickly and last longer.

Chiropractic for newborns
Birth is a traumatic experience for a new bundle of joy. Any number of issues can arise through the misalignment of the newborn spine, such as difficulty breastfeeding, colic, asthma, digestive issues, and some behavioral problems.
Pediatric Chiropractic can improve all the functions to help baby turn its head during feedings, optimally digest food, and increase immune function.
Correction of misalignment and stressed spine in infants will reduce the risk of illness and other disorders common in infants that result from the trauma of birth. With the immune system operating at its peak, the baby will be stronger and healthier.