Ultimately, when it comes to true correction and principled chiropractic versus temporary relief, the best choice is clear. Avoid the recurrence of pain and injury. Schedule an appointment within the Glen Mills community at Impact Chiropractic to ensure optimal health and relief for years to come.

Your body’s most vital functions are determined by the framework and pathways of your brain, spine and nervous system. The spine, specifically, is a vital component of that framework. It holds bundles of thousands of nerves that connect our brain to the rest of our body. This is where chiropractic comes into play as it focuses on the connection between our nerves and our musculoskeletal system.
When bones in the spine are improperly aligned, it can lead to a myriad of different health issues. Problems such as headaches, poor mobility and nerve pain can often be alleviated by a visit to the chiropractor. Using a natural, hands-on approach, we will adjust your spine to return your body to its natural, functioning condition.
While chiropractic can effectively provide temporary pain relief, true correction provides long-term benefits. As you can imagine, lasting relief is ideal for anyone with pain or health issues, but let’s go over the difference between true correction and temporary relief a little further.